Darmowe Lekcje Audio Języka Angielskiego - Nauka za Darmo

Recapitulacja i Test Gramatyczny

Podsumowanie Teorii

1. Struktury Warunkowe (If Clauses)

  • Zero Conditional: If + Present Simple, Present Simple
    • Używane do wyrażania faktów i praw natury.
    • Przykład: If you heat water to 100°C, it boils.
  • First Conditional: If + Present Simple, Will + Infinitive
    • Używane do mówienia o możliwych sytuacjach w przyszłości.
    • Przykład: If it rains tomorrow, we will cancel the picnic.
  • Second Conditional: If + Past Simple, Would + Infinitive
    • Używane do mówienia o mało prawdopodobnych lub hipotetycznych sytuacjach.
    • Przykład: If I won the lottery, I would travel the world.
  • Third Conditional: If + Past Perfect, Would Have + Past Participle
    • Używane do mówienia o hipotetycznych sytuacjach w przeszłości i ich konsekwencjach.
    • Przykład: If I had studied harder, I would have passed the exam.

2. Strona Bierna (Passive Voice)

  • Używana do podkreślenia czynności lub jej rezultatu zamiast wykonawcy.
  • Budowa: Subject + To Be (odpowiednia forma) + Past Participle + (optional: by + agent)
    • Przykład: The meal is cooked by the chef.
  • Formy Strony Biernej:
    • Present Simple: am/is/are + past participle
    • Past Simple: was/were + past participle
    • Future Simple: will be + past participle
    • Present Perfect: has/have been + past participle
    • Past Perfect: had been + past participle
    • Future Perfect: will have been + past participle

3. Mowa Zależna (Reported Speech)

  • Służy do przekazywania tego, co ktoś powiedział, nie cytując bezpośrednio słów mówcy.
  • Budowa: Reporting Verb + that + Subject + Verb (często w czasie przeszłym)
    • Przykład: She said that she was happy.
  • Zasady Przekształcania Czasów:
    • Kiedy zdanie główne jest w czasie przeszłym, czas w mowie zależnej zwykle cofamy o jeden krok w czasie:
      • Present Simple → Past Simple
      • Present Continuous → Past Continuous
      • Present Perfect → Past Perfect
      • Will → Would
      • Can → Could
      • Must → Had to
    • Jeśli zdanie główne jest w czasie teraźniejszym lub przyszłym, czas w mowie zależnej pozostaje bez zmian.
    • Niektóre czasowniki modalne, takie jak "must" czy "might", pozostają niezmienione lub zmieniają się na odpowiednie formy w mowie zależnej.
  • Zmiana Zaimków:
    • Zmiana zaimków osobowych odpowiednio do kontekstu.
    • Zmiana zaimków wskazujących miejsca i czasu, jeśli jest to konieczne:
      • "here" → "there"
      • "now" → "then"

Test Gramatyczny 1-15

1. She said, "I will call you later."
Reported: She said that ___ call me later.

2. He asked, "Do you like ice cream?"
Reported: He asked ___ like ice cream.

3. They said, "We have completed the project."
Reported: They said that ___ completed the project.

4. Direct: "Please open the window," she requested.
Reported: She requested ___ open the window.

5. He said, "I can help you."
Reported: He said that ___ help me.

6. Direct: "I have been working all day," he explained.
Reported: He explained that ___ been working all day.

7. Direct: "Don't be late," he warned.
Reported: He warned me ___ be late.

8. Direct: "Why did you do that?" he demanded.
Reported: He demanded ___ I had done that.

9. Direct: "I must finish this task," he said.
Reported: He said that ___ finish this task.

10. Direct: "Can you help me?" she asked.
Reported: She asked ___ help her.

11. Direct: "I enjoyed the concert," he said.
Reported: He said that ___ the concert.

12. Direct: "Don't forget to lock the door," he reminded.
Reported: He reminded me ___ lock the door.

13. Direct: "Are you coming to the party?" she asked.
Reported: She asked ___ coming to the party.

14. Direct: "Why are you late?" he asked.
Reported: He asked ___ I was late.

15. Direct: "Can you attend the meeting?" he asked.
Reported: He asked ___ attend the meeting.

Test Gramatyczny 16-30

16. Direct: "I have never visited Paris," she said.
Reported: She said that ___ never visited Paris.

17. Direct: "I need to finish my homework," he said.
Reported: He said that ___ finish his homework.

18. Direct: "Don't forget to feed the dog," she reminded.
Reported: She reminded me ___ feed the dog.

19. Direct: "Why are you studying so hard?" she asked.
Reported: She asked ___ I was studying so hard.

20. Direct: "I can't wait to see you," he exclaimed.
Reported: He exclaimed that ___ wait to see me.

21. Direct: "I must leave now," she said.
Reported: She said that ___ leave now.

22. Direct: "Have you ever traveled abroad?" she asked.
Reported: She asked ___ traveled abroad.

23. Direct: "Please send me the documents," he requested.
Reported: He requested ___ send me the documents.

24. Direct: "I have finished my work," she announced.
Reported: She announced that ___ finished her work.

25. Direct: "Why are you studying so hard?" she asked.
Reported: She asked ___ studying so hard.

26. Direct: "I would like to visit Japan," he said.
Reported: He said that ___ like to visit Japan.

27. Direct: "Are you attending the seminar?" she asked.
Reported: She asked ___ attending the seminar.

28. Direct: "I can't believe it," he exclaimed.
Reported: He exclaimed that ___ believe it.

29. Direct: "I must leave now," she insisted.
Reported: She insisted that ___ leave now.

30. Direct: "I have been reading this book," he said.
Reported: He said that ___ been reading that book.

Dodatkowe Ćwiczenia, Wyjaśnienia i Rozwiązania


  • Struktury Warunkowe:
    • Zero Conditional: Fakty, prawa natury.
    • First Conditional: Możliwe przyszłe sytuacje.
    • Second Conditional: Mało prawdopodobne lub hipotetyczne sytuacje.
    • Third Conditional: Hipotetyczne sytuacje w przeszłości.
  • Strona Bierna:
    • Podkreśla czynność lub jej rezultat.
    • Budowa: Subject + To Be + Past Participle + (optional: by + agent).
    • Formy w różnych czasach.
  • Mowa Zależna:
    • Przekazywanie tego, co ktoś powiedział bez cytowania.
    • Zmiana czasów i zaimków w zależności od kontekstu.
    • Budowa: Reporting Verb + that + Subject + Verb.

Dodatkowe Przykłady z Rozwiązaniami:

  • Zadanie 1: Przekształć zdania bezpośrednie do mowy zależnej:
    • Direct: "I am going to the store," she said.
      Rozwiązanie: She said that she was going to the store.
    • Direct: "Please be quiet," he requested.
      Rozwiązanie: He requested me to be quiet.
    • Direct: "Have you finished your work?" she asked.
      Rozwiązanie: She asked if I had finished my work.
  • Zadanie 2: Przetłumacz zdania na język angielski używając mowy zależnej:
    • On powiedział: "Muszę iść teraz."
      Rozwiązanie: He said that he had to go now.
    • Oni zapytali: "Czy lubisz muzykę klasyczną?"
      Rozwiązanie: They asked if I liked classical music.
    • Mówili: "Zamknijcie drzwi."
      Rozwiązanie: They told us to close the door.
  • Zadanie 3: Ułóż zdania z podanych słów w odpowiedniej formie mowy zależnej:
    • (he / say) He said that he was tired.
    • (she / ask) She asked if I was coming to the party.
    • (they / tell) They told us to wait outside.
    • (I / explain) I explained that I had finished the assignment.
    • (you / request) You requested me to send the email.
    • Dlaczego tak? Zdania pokazują zastosowanie odpowiednich form mowy zależnej w różnych kontekstach.